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Publishing 1000 Blog Posts In A Year?

Publishing 1000 Blog Posts In A Year?

Are you a blogger? Have you ever thought about hitting 1000 articles in a year? 

I know that sounds like a shocking number. If they work hard, most bloggers would put out one blog post per week which means a total of 50 ish posts per year. 

Those who are a bit more ambitious would have 3 posts per week with a total of about 150 articles by the end of the year. 

If you could produce 150 articles in a year, it’d take you roughly 7 years to get to 1000 posts or 6.66 years (round up because hey I know sometimes you just can’t stick to your writing schedule). 

That’s a long time to persist! 

A lot of you would’ve given up way before you get to that point. 

My current HelloMoneyTree blog situation 

At the time of writing this article, this blog is a couple of months old. I have several other blogs as well. I registered for this domain name in late October of 2021 and threw 5 blog posts up on there. And then nothing. 

I didn’t really start working on this blog until February of 2022. 

From the initial time when I signed up for the domain name to when I actually started working on this blog, I was working on several other things. 

As I’m writing this, it is mid-May of 2022 and I have 99 high-quality (at least that’s what I think) articles out. 

This would be my 100th. You can see why it can be quite fitting to write my 100th article on this matter. 🙂

Is it possible to write 1000 articles in 1 year? 

It is theoretically possible to write 1000 articles in just a year. 

It would take you 3 articles per day for 365 days to get to 1000 articles in 1 year. 

Most people don’t have a lot of time to write so many articles but I work from home so that is more of a possibility for me than for someone who has a 9–5 in person and can’t work on their blogs as much. 

If you do have a typical 9–5 you can still dedicate some time to writing every day. For instance, it could be every day between 4 am to 6 am before work and before the kids are up. And again from 10 pm to 12 am. 

However, I did take some time to work on other things this year in 2022 and I only started working on this blog in February of 2022. 

It would mean that I’d have to write 3.4 articles every day for this blog until January 30 of 2023 to make it to 1000 articles in 1 year. 

That does seem like a daunting task but considering I type about 90+ words per minute with a 96% accuracy, I’m sure it isn’t outside the realm of the possibility to do so.

At times I do write 5+ articles per day each with 1300+ words but then I’d have to take a day off from all the stress to recuperate. 

Will writing so many articles in just 1 year hinder quality? 

That certainly is a possibility but I aim to have each of my articles be high-quality. That means: 

  • Original content
  • 1300+ words long
  • Do keyword analysis (read here
  • Proofread (make sure there’s few spelling and grammatical error) 
  • Include interlinks 
  • Include useful pictures

It’s not necessarily that “quality over quantity” because both are important. But if you have to choose one, quality is definitely more important than quantity. 

You don’t have to let the quality of your articles suffer too much if you can manage your time wisely. 

You can produce lots of articles while keeping the quality high. 

Why I want to write 1000 articles in 1 year

There are several reasons why I want to write so many articles in 1 year’s time and I like to illustrate with this example:

Each of your articles is like a line in the water. With each new article, you get one new line in the water. 

With each new line in the water, you get to catch more fish. Fish is the number of page views per month. 

The more lines you have in the water, the more page views you tend to get.

Some lines may catch no fish while others catch a lot more to make up for those that didn’t catch much fish.

It’s the same idea with blogging.

The more articles you have out, the more page views you can expect typically. 

Some of your articles will bring in 0 page views per month while others will bring in 1000+ page views per month.

My logic is, if I have a lot of high-quality articles, I can increase my monetization opportunities. 

Keep in mind, that putting out garbage won’t get you any pageviews so you have to make sure the quality is good as well. 

You also should let each of your articles wait 8 months on Google first before you give up because it takes time for Google to trust your content. 

There’s also the fact that not every article you put out on your blog will get indexed by Google. 

So the more articles you have out, the more indexed articles you’d have and the more page views you can expect. 

A lot of bloggers took years to finally quit their job and go full-time with blogging because they publish only 50–150 articles per year. 

For bloggers who quit their jobs to blog full-time, many of them have 500 articles and 100,000+ monthly page views. 

You can speed up the time to success with your blog by putting out 500–1000 articles not in 5 years’ time but in 1 year’s time. And then, giving all your articles 8 months to rank on Google…

You can see why I’m so fervent in putting out so much content in the beginning. 

How to prevent content cannibalization for bloggers 

Content cannibalization happens when your newer articles compete with your older articles that are already ranking for certain key terms on Google.

You’d be getting more page views overall but some of your articles may drop in ranking.

You don’t want that to happen.

I wrote a detailed article on how to prevent content cannibalization, click here to read. 

It really boils down to expanding the topics you cover when you’ve already done similar articles before. 

How confident am I that I’ll make it to 1000 articles in 1 year

I’ll be honest. I don’t think I’ll make it to 1000 articles in 1 year’s time by February 2023 but I do think that I will make it to 500 posts before that point.

The reason is that I have other businesses that I’m working on at the moment and it’s difficult to keep this blog in the air at all times. 

Some days I push out 5 posts and other days none. 

But I’ll try to make it happen because I know I can dramatically increase my monetization opportunity for this blog with more blog posts.

Should you attempt to do the same? 

You can attempt to do the same but sometimes it’s better to work smart than work hard (although both are important).

There are many other aspects of blogging that if you focus on it could bring you more results faster than brutally forcing out more content. (Backlinks) 

If you can hire someone to do the writing for you or use AI software to write articles for you, you may find it more manageable especially if you have a day job. 

I can’t advise you for or against doing the same thing but it is something that I’ve heard no one attempted with their own blog before. 

Here’s my plan for this blog 

Below is my plan for this blog. 

1. Write!

I’ll write whatever I like while also doing keyword research. 

I’ll also make sure to write articles that I don’t necessarily want to write but could be good to write. 

I’ll try to put out 3 posts per day but I have other blogs and other businesses to work on so that’s not always possible. 

I won’t be too hard on myself if I can’t put out 3 posts per day but that’s definitely something I’ll aim to do. 

2. Add interlinks 

I’m not too worried about adding all the links to my other blog posts right now since putting out content for it to rank on Google is one of my topmost priorities so interlinks would have to wait. 

I’ll start adding interlinks to my posts at a certain point. Maybe when I reach 200 articles. I don’t know. 

I’ll slowly work my way into all my blog posts at some points to make sure that I’m adding interlinks to all of the posts. 

3. Promote and get more subscribers to my mailing list 

I’m not too focused on promoting my articles at the moment. I’m really just trying to get any many posts out as possible. 

At some point though, I’ll start to promote my articles more and get more people on my mailing list. 

Click here to learn which mailing service to choose from. 

4. Get backlinks and do guest posts 

If you look at your competitor’s blog, you’ll notice something: a lot of their blog posts are mediocre or not even good yet they are ranking on the first page of Google and getting a lot of page views.

Why is that?

It’s because they have a high domain authority score. 

DA isn’t the only thing you should worry about with blogging and isn’t the only thing that determines ranking on google but it is important enough that you should try to improve it.

The higher your DA score, the more likely it is for your blog posts to rank higher on Google so searchers can find your site easily. 

The way to improve it is to get your blog post links on someone else’s site preferably a blog that has a high DA score. 

You can do so through guest posting. 

Getting backlinks is tough. Sometimes you could send out 3000 emails only to get 1–3 responses from a low-quality blog. 

I know I would need a lot fewer blog posts to succeed in this blog if I have a high DA score but I really don’t want to spend hours on end sending emails and getting backlinks. 

A 7-figure blogger grew his blog into a million-dollar business within just 2 years of starting his blog by focusing on obtaining lots of backlinks. But he had connections from his job that allowed him to get links to his site. 

Normal people like you and me would have trouble getting someone to acknowledge our emails because they don’t know you professionally. 

With me who has really no leverage (not one that I can think of currently) it would be tremendously difficult to get backlinks.

I can try but it’ll take up a lot of my time. I rather use the time to put up more posts. 

Since it takes 8+ months for each post to rank on Google, it’s best to put out a lot of posts in the beginning before doing backlinks. 

I’d imagine that at this stage of my blog, I’d have hundreds of blog posts out and I’d start attempting to get backlinks. 

You can for sure start obtaining backlinks earlier. This is just how I like to do things. 

6. Improve my best ranking articles

Once I’m ranking on Google more, I’d improve my best ranking articles. 

I’d add infographics, and pictures, do more proofreading to make sure there aren’t any spelling errors and grammatical errors, etc. 

I’d also make sure to add interlinks to articles with affiliate links so I can increase monetization.

Every time these high-performing articles start to slip down the rank on Google, I’ll improve it to try and get them back up. 

7. Continue to put out more articles 

I’ll continue to put out more articles at whichever stage of my blogging journey.

I’ll publish at least 1 new article every week. I’ll make sure to explore articles that could make me more money. Ones that have high buyer intent and may include affiliate links.

Ideally, I want to have at least 100 high-ranking articles on my blog but the more the better and I can get more high-performing articles with more articles out.

The point is, I’ll continue to put out more articles but my pace will definitely dramatically slow after hitting 1000 articles. 

It’d be a huge relief to finally hit 1000 articles but I have to make sure the quality is good otherwise what’s the point? 

8. Hire people to help out? 

At this point, I’m not sure if I’ll hire people to help me out and automize my business since I enjoy working on my blog all on my own.

So far all my blogs aren’t automated and I’m working on it myself and some are doing pretty well.

I’m sure this blog will be the case as well if not even better since I have more experience when I started to blog compared to other older blogs I had. I’m excited to see where this blog goes next. 


I will give an update on my progress on January 31, 2023. 

Final thoughts 

There is so much to do with blogging. At times I feel overwhelmed but always with a sense of excitement and quiet anticipation.

I’m really excited to see when I finally get to 1000 blog posts. 

I think I’ll feel a huge sense of relief and I’d finally be able to slow down in producing content for this blog. 

I’ll have more time to work on my other endeavors. 

At which point I think I’ll just quietly let my articles simmer on Google for at least 8 months while I work on getting more backlinks, improving articles, and getting more articles out (at a much slower pace). 

I will see where the HelloMoneyTree blog takes me. 

Stay tuned for updates! 🙂 

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