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10 Good Reasons To Start A Lifestyle Blog

10 Good Reasons To Start A Lifestyle Blog

Thinking about starting a blog? In this article, you’ll learn 10 reasons why you should start a lifestyle blog.

What Is A Lifestyle Blog? 

A lifestyle blog is centered around a person’s particular experience in life. Lifestyle bloggers talk about their lives. They talk about:

  • What interests them
  • What they are doing 
  • Where they are going
  • Where they are living
  • What’s going on in their lives
  • What they are planning next
  • What they think about certain things
  • What they learned from anything

10 Reasons why you should start a lifestyle blog 

Below are 10 good reasons why you should start a lifestyle blog today. 

Let’s go!

1. Lifestyle blog is the third highest-earning blogging niche according to RankIQ 

According to this article by RankIQ, the blogs that earn the most are the following in order: 

  • Food blogs ($9169/month) 
  • Personal finance blogs ($9100/month) 
  • Lifestyle/mom blogs ($5174/month) 
  • Travel blogs ($5000/month)

You can see that lifestyle blog is the third highest-earning blogging niche. 

Out of thousands of other niches surveyed, lifestyle blog is among one of the highest performing niches. 

If you want to start a lifestyle blog, you should use this number to encourage you. 

2. The second most common niche in high traffic blogs is a lifestyle blog 

The second most common niche for blogs with over 50,000+ monthly sessions is the lifestyle blog niche. 

This means that you can expect quite a bit of traffic from your lifestyle blog if you do it well. 

If you were to start a blog in a niche that doesn’t have many readers, you can put out your 1000 th high-quality article and still see no traffic, that isn’t the case with lifestyle blogs, however.

Once people get to know you, they will read whatever you put out even if it’s things that they wouldn’t otherwise read.

It really does feel like you made a friend despite you not formerly talking to the lifestyle blogger you’re reading from. 

So if your “friend” is moving to Paris for a month, you’d be interested to know what they experienced there even if the topic never interested you in the first place. 

Once you get people to start reading your blog, those who got to know you and like you will continue reading your blog for the foreseeable future. 

3. 25% of new blogs started in the past year were a lifestyle blog 

I know this may not sound like a good thing: so many bloggers are starting a blog in the lifestyle niche! 

However, it does mean that this niche is evolving and not dying. If this niche doesn’t make people any money, there wouldn’t be so many bloggers going into this niche.

You should also understand that most bloggers don’t make it past 1–2 years. In fact, many bloggers would quit just a few months in upon not seeing results. 

Here’s what you should do as a blogger: 

  • Find out what blog content you should write by doing proper research (click here
  • Network with other bloggers in the lifestyle niche
  • Learn about blogging SEO
  • Create a YouTube channel to complement your blog (you don’t have to show your face) 
  • Create 200–500 high-quality blog posts and let it all wait for at least 8 months since it takes time for Google to trust and recommend your content to people who searched up things 

If you can produce 500 high-quality blog posts that people are searching for and aren’t too competitive, and you give each of those posts time to sit on your blog and rank on Google for at least 8 months, you should have a pretty good chance of making a full-time income from your blog.

Most bloggers will quit too early and most bloggers won’t be able to have the patience to create and release 500 high-quality blog posts that people are searching for and give them enough time to rank so if you can do that, you can beat out 95% your competition. You really do stand a chance of winning.

4. It’s easy to find companies to collaborate with a lifestyle blog

With a lifestyle blog, it’s quite easy to find companies to collaborate with, in an affiliate deal. 

If you are in a personal finance niche like I am with this blog at HelloMoneyTree.com, you can only collaborate with companies that are in the personal finance space or at least close to it. 

You see, you can’t be promoting yoga mats with a personal finance niche as easily.

However, with a lifestyle blog, you can promote just about anything you use in your daily life.

You can promote: 

  • Shopify (because you are building a store on there)
  • BlueHost (because that’s how you made your blog)
  • HelloFresh (because you use HelloFresh to cook)
  • Vlogging camera (because you vlog on your YouTube channel)
  • Cat litter box machine (because you have a cat)
  • A course for your teen (because you have a teen) 

Heck you can even create a course on just about anything as a lifestyle blogger! 

You can create a course on: 

  • How to start a blog (because you are a blogger)
  • How to make pottery (because you make pottery in your spare time) 
  • How to travel on a budget (because you do that)
  • How to train your dog or cat (because your readers know how well you handle your dog or cat)
  • How to cook (because you share cooking tips on your blog)

You’d never run out of companies to work with! 

5. You’d never run out of things to say with a lifestyle blog 

Since it’s a lifestyle blog and you’re the subject, you’d never run out of things to say. 

Some bloggers in other niches may fear that they’d eventually run out of things to say but that would never happen to you with a lifestyle blog.

Your blog can evolve along with your blog. Say you started your blog as a single woman traveling the world, your blog can evolve into a mom blog as you meet someone, get married, and settle down.

The possibility is endless with a lifestyle blog. 

6. You aren’t stuck to a specific topic with a lifestyle blog 

With a lifestyle blog, you can pretty much talk about anything you want on any specific topic. 

You can pick a few niches to start from. 

For instance, you can talk about food, fitness, and travel on your blog and later on add more sub-niches to your blog as your life changes.

You aren’t stuck to any specific topic with a lifestyle blog. You can blog under any niche you want.

7. Everyone loves talking about themselves

This is very true. Everyone loves talking about themselves and so starting a lifestyle blog is the most natural thing for many bloggers.

You get to talk about yourself all you want and attract an audience who is interested in you.

Should you take up new hobbies in the future, they wouldn’t mind following you along in that journey as well. 

It’s rare to be given a chance to talk about yourself while building a brand doing so.

8. A way to document your life 

You should also start a YouTube channel to complement your lifestyle blog. In fact, many lifestyle bloggers find that YouTube helps them attract an audience in the first place and they get to funnel some of those YouTube viewers to their blogs.

Your blog can be a great way to document your life so you can look back at it one day and think to yourself, “Wow, look how far I’ve come”.

It’s definitely a thing to behold and feel proud of. 

9. Can be a valuable piece of networking tool 

Blogging can be a great way to connect with people. It can be used as a vital piece of networking tool.

When you meet someone new, imagine giving them a business card with your name on there and your blog address. 

Your blog can be a key piece of identifying tool that helps people get to know you better. It’s your personal brand.

10. You can build your personal brand with a lifestyle blog 

This point is very similar to the point above. Your lifestyle blog can be your personal brand.

Your brand would be built around you as an individual. You’re a brand and anything you do and say is a part of your brand.

If you have a brand in the technology niche, your audience read your blog for information about what they want to learn but with a lifestyle brand, your audience is interested in you and whatever information you give them about your life.

I think there’s a certain level of autonomy that comes with a lifestyle brand unlike any other.

You can literally blog about anything.

There’s also this increasing sentiment that it’s good to have a lifestyle blog in different sub-niches so it keeps people interested in what you have to say. 

This sentiment is beneficial because you aren’t stuck to a few sub-niches in lifestyle blogging, you can explore what you’re interested in and evolve along with your blog. 

Final thought

There are a lot of things you can do with a lifestyle blog. 

Not many people would persist with blogging and if you can do so in a niche where you’re basically talking about yourself I think many of you would find even more motivation in keeping it going at times when you aren’t getting many readers.

At the very least, it’s your own personal documentation of your life that you can revisit time and time again in the future.

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