It’s no secret that the more articles you have on your blog, the more traffic you can expect to your blog and that means more potential revenue sources. Your blogging income tends to go up with the number of articles that you have. It goes without saying, having lots of high-quality blog posts does help people achieve success with their blogs.
In this article, we’ll talk about exactly what you need to do to produce blog posts faster so you may see more results faster.
Table of Contents
How many blog posts do you need to make a full-time income blogging?
Before we start, Ricky from Income School did a survey amongst his Income School blogging students and found that:
- With 100 blog posts, you can expect an average of $2349 per month in blogging income if you let all of your articles have 8 months to rank on Google first
- With 500 blog posts, you can expect $3565 per month in blogging income. This means that if you want to make a living blogging, you better have 500 blog posts out and let all your articles have 8 months to age on Google first.
- Some may even recommend having 600 blog posts out first.
Click here to find out how many articles you should be writing per week.
1. Don’t care too much about spelling

I don’t mean you should publish your articles with tons of misspellings because it won’t impact your readers’ experience. No, having lots of misspellings will turn off many readers. You should aim to procure a blog post with as few spelling and grammatical errors as possible.
But when you’re writing articles, it may be good to neglect the misspellings while you carry on with completing the sentence first. If you pauce every time you need to fix something, it’ll take you more time to finish the blog post.
For people who want to write articles faster, I would recommend you to train yourself to not care about misspellings until after you’re done with your blog post.
Use Grammarly to help you catch spelling and grammatical errors. You can easily see what you need to fix when you’re done with your article and you’ll just go back and produce a good blog post with little spellings by clicking through the red lines in the entire blog post Grammarly kindly highlighted for you.

2. Have an outline

I always write down the entire outline of the article first before I begin to produce posts for my blog. It makes the entire blog post writing process easier when you know exactly what your next step is.

Have a rough outline. It doesn’t have to be perfect. Remember, you can go back and edit your post later on.
3. Don’t aim for it to be perfect

One of the reasons that bloggers procrastinate is that they think their next post has to be perfect and so they may take a lot of time to ruminate and avoid starting their writing process.
I recommend all bloggers to not think everything they write has to be perfect. It’s always good to aim to produce high-quality blog content but you’ll see that the posts on the first page of Google aren’t always the best.
Google ranks articles based on your DA score, originality of your content, and the quality of your content among other factors. Simply having a high-quality article doesn’t guarantee anything. Producing a perfect blog post simply isn’t a precursor for success in the blogging world.
4. Only edit once you’re done

Don’t even think about editing your article until you’re done writing. Once you’re done writing, you can go back and procure a more flawless spelling and grammar on your blog post, add a few more paragraphs if you have to, switch out the steps, remove paragraphs, do more research, etc.
When you allow yourself to edit only when you’re done, you ensure that you have something to edit. If you edit along the way while you’re writing your content, it may take you a lot longer to finish.
This phenomenon is due to the fact that, when you’re writing content for your blog, everything you write down is kind of the backbone of your blog post. You gotta have the backbone done before you move on to the details of your post.
5. Do your research at once

Depending on the kind of article you are writing, you may need to do a lot of research. That typically will take away a lot of your time.
I always use this strategy when I have to do a lot of research on an article. Instead of pausing my research to edit my article every time I found something good while researching, I make sure I do all my research beforehand, and then I sort of brain dump it onto the article.
I can always refer back to the source if I want to make sure I get the detail correct. This is one way to ensure that you use your time efficiently when writing content for your blog.
6. Only add pictures and format articles in the end

Your blog post may not look pretty as you’re writing it but don’t worry. You can add the pictures and bold some terms in the end once you’re done writing.
Trying to fix the format and add pictures before you are done with your article is going to compromise the time you estimate it would take to finish the blog post.
7. Write stuff that you already know a lot about

Research can be time-consuming. You need to get the facts right otherwise, you risk damaging the credibility of your brand by writing false accounts.
I always recommend bloggers to write stuff that they already know a lot about because it’ll mean less time spent on research plus, the sentences may flow more naturally seeing that they don’t have to pause every few sentences to do more research.
It’ll take you a lot less time to produce an article that you don’t have to do much research on.
Of course, sometimes you don’t have a choice, certain articles will require more research and since those articles are the money makers, it’d be wise to produce them.
Final thought
It’s a constant struggle for bloggers in the early stages of their blogs to manage their time effectively so they’ll end up with more high-quality blog posts in the end. After all, it’s what we should all strive for as bloggers, to have as many high-quality blog posts as we can get in as little time as possible.
Blogging is hard. Nobody will ever tell you that being a successful blogger is an easy achievement. It takes a lot of learning, implementing, writing, and more.
You won’t always get it right with each article that you produce. Here are some things that can go wrong with your blog posts:
- It’s not high-quality enough
- It’s got too many misspellings and grammatical errors
- It’s not long enough
- It’s too long
- It includes too many affiliate links
- It includes too many links
- The title has too many characters
- The title is unoriginal and uninspiring
- The meta description is not suitable
- It’s not easy to read your article
- Not enough search volume
- Too competitive
- Not enough backlinks
- Low DA score
The list goes on. There are so many things that can go wrong with each blog post that can prevent it from ranking high on the first page of Google. Even experts, won’t always get it right. Some of their articles just won’t do well. This is why you must have as many high-quality blog posts as you can produce.
Most bloggers fail because they don’t have enough winning articles yet. If you want to succeed in blogging, you gotta have enough winning articles, and to have more winning articles is to write more. You never know which articles will do unexpectedly well and which ones will do unexpectedly poor. All you can do is produce as much high-quality content as possible and let Google do its thing.
Good luck!