Mr. Beast is a Youtuber that has amassed a whopping 90 million subscribers on Youtube and he did it in a relatively short period of time. If that doesn’t sound impressive, you should look at how much money he donated to help feed people during the pandemic crisis. MrBeast has also donated 100 cars and raised 20 million to plant 20 million trees.
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Who is MrBeast?
MrBeast was born on May 7, 1998, in Kansas, US. MrBeast’s real name is Jimmy Donaldson but he prefers to go by MrBeast. MrBeast is a Youtuber, philanthropist, and entrepreneur.
One of the most well-known MrBeast things is to give a large amount of money to people and charities.
Because of his videos (all of them garner millions of views a month), MrBeast is one of the most well-paid Youtubers of all time.
When did MrBeast first start his Youtube channel?
MrBeast started his Youtube channel on February 19, 2012. His first videos on Youtube were gaming videos which didn’t do too well compared to the massive success he currently has on his Youtube channel. He also posted other random videos without a specific niche. One of the videos where he gained a bit more views in the early stages of his career was a video about the worst Youtube intros.

How did MrBeast get famous?
MrBeast wasn’t always a household name but he has received much attention on the internet in the past few years. MrBeast started to gain traction on Youtube in 2017 with his video where he counts to 100,000. It took him 40 hours to get there.

Due to the bizarre nature of his video, many news outlets picked up on it. HuffPost is one of those major news outlets that covered MrBeast’s story and may have helped him achieve his current success. It got him in front of many eyeballs and people tuned in out of curiosity.

With the video, MrBeast gained many fans and subscribers. He would then use this newfound fame to make money and create more weird videos that garner as much if not more interest.
How much money does MrBeast Have?
In 2021, MrBeast earned more than 54 million dollars. His videos garnered him over 21 million views. He makes over 3 million dollars every month and donated a million dollars in one of his videos. With that money, MrBeast became the wealthiest Youtuber in the entire world and he did it at the age of 23. Currently, MrBeast is said to have a net worth of 8 million in 2022.
How did MrBeast make his money?
MrBeast makes his money by making wacky interesting videos that capture a lot of interest and views.
But the video that really takes the cake and got his views and subscribers going is the type of video where you donate money to those in need.
MrBeast donated his first pay brand deal paycheque of 10,000 to a homeless person and when given more money by the same brand, he gave away the money in small quantities to more homeless people. Because of his generosity, more and more people tuned in, and brands became eager to work with him. It’s like a snowball effect where one small act earns him more money and with more money, he’s able to help more people. With more people helped, there’s more interest in his channel and videos.
The early life of MrBeast
MrBeast aka Jimmy Donaldson grew up in Greenville, North Carolina where he graduated from Greenville Christian Academy in 2016.
He posted his first video at 12 years old under the name “MrBeast6000”. After he graduated highschool, he attended college for a while before dropping out to do Youtube full time. It may have seemed like a mistake to his parents when he first dropped out but it turned out for the best as he’s now one of the richest people on Youtube.
MrBeast’s early videos were mainly commentary videos, reaction videos, and funny compilations.
Successes in MrBeast’s Youtube career
After his “counting to 100,000” video went viral in 2017, he uploaded another video where he counted to 200,000. It definitely seemed like a crazy stunt and something not everyone can do.
He also has other videos that blew up around this time including reading the dictionary, reading the “Bee Movie” script, traveling across America in an Uber, saying the name of famous Youtuber, Logan Paul’s 100,000 times, etc. Oh another thing, he has watched awful music videos on repeat for 10 hours straight for a video. It seems like a lot of things MrBeast did were quite obsessive and crazy by most of our standards but that’s what garnered everyone’s attention and views.
MrBeast has more than 90.4 million subscribers on Youtube currently and his videos on Youtube combined to more than 10 billion video views. His videos are able to generate more than 20 million views on average. MrBeast also has more than 12 million followers on Instagram, 13 million followers on Tiktok, and 9 million followers on Twitter.
In 2019, MrBeast was nominated for the Vlogger of the year award and won the Breakout Creator award. In 2020, MrBeast was nominated for the 2020 Kids’ Choice Award under the category of Favourite Male Social Star. He also won the 2020 Youtuber of the Year award. I’m not done yet, he’s the winner for the 2020 Creator of the Year at Streamy Awards.
MrBeast has since become a household name and it all started with the “count to 100,000” video.
How MrBeast grew his Youtube channel
If you want to replicate MrBeast’s success, here are a few things you should know about what makes MrBeast so successful on Youtube.
1. He’s able to make viral videos after another viral video
What happens with many Youtube channels is that a video goes viral but they would spend the next few weeks or months trying to replicate the success to no avail. MrBeast has found a way to create viral videos after viral videos so his channel keeps on growing and being featured by Youtube. This attracts more viewers and keeps people engaged.
Most viral videos fall under one or more of the following categories:
- Reaction video
- Money related
- Pranks
- Challenges
- Drama
- Include other famous Youtubers
MrBeast’s videos typically span across multiple of these winning categories, Take, for instance, this video called “$456,000 Squid Game In Real Life”, this video would be filed under reaction video, money-related, challenges, and even drama. It’s videos like these that capture so many people’s attention and helped propel MrBeast’s Youtube channel to the success it has today.

2. MrBeast reinvests his paycheque back into his Youtube channel
Unlike most YouTubers who use the money they make from Youtube to pay for a lifestyle upgrade, MrBeast reinvests his paycheque into his next Youtube video. He understands the growth phase of business really well. The growth phase is when the business is rapidly expanding. Most YouTubers are unable to keep up with the momentum and their Youtube channels eventually slow down and the views drop. To keep the growth going, you have to analyze what worked and keep on trying new ideas. Old ideas may work for a while but in most businesses, you need to adapt or fail.
3. He is persistent
There were times when MrBeast wanted to give up but he pushed through. He said that it took him 5 years to get anywhere and throughout the entire 5 years he doubted whether it was going to work and whether he was wasting his time. Thankfully, he didn’t quit, and that brought him to where he is today.
4. MrBeast stays on top of trends
One way you can stay relevant is by staying on top of trends. Let’s say the term “Squid Game” is trending on social media, it would be paramount for someone who wants to achieve success on Youtube to find out what it means and to create relevant videos on it. MrBeast did exactly that.
If you want to achieve success on Youtube, you have to find a way to connect with the mass and the best way to do so is to see what everyone is talking about and join the conversation by creating relevant content.
5. MrBeast creates interesting short titles and attention-grabbing thumbnails
If you want to get people to click on your video, you need to have interesting titles that are short and easy to read and attention-grabbing thumbnails.
If your title is too long many people won’t finish reading it before turning away. And if your title is boring, who would want to click on it? You have only a few milliseconds of time before someone decides to click on something else so you must make sure your title is catchy, interesting, and short.
The things and people in your thumbnail should be big and clear. Remember, many people are browsing Youtube with their phone so if they can’t see what’s in the thumbnail, you lose the opportunity to convince them to click on the video.
MrBeast’s thumbnails are all pretty basic, not over the top, and sometimes even contain horrible photoshop. You’ll notice that things that go viral tend to look amateur by design and that is what MrBeast is aiming for.
With interesting short titles that serve to shock users and attention-grabbing thumbnails, the click-through rate on MrBeast’s videos are all high and that pushes his videos further up the rank and gets recommended to more people.
6. MrBeast has a quick short intro that gets to the point
How many times have you clicked on a video and realized that 3 minutes into the video and the person still hasn’t gotten to the point? You look at the timeline and decided it wasn’t worth it and clicked to another video. MrBeast typically goes straight to the point within the first 20 seconds of the video and that keeps people watching. Watch time is important. If people quickly turn away after clicking on your video, it tells the algorithm that the video isn’t good and so wouldn’t recommend it to other people.
7. MrBeast’s videos are long
Longer videos are better for the algorithm. If you want to create videos that the algorithm love, create videos between the length of 10–20 minutes. However, it’s important that you don’t fill the minutes with nonsense. Almost everything in MrBeast’s videos is interesting. It keeps you watching and at no point would you think, “Mhm, this is too long, I’m going to watch something else”. Everything in his video has a purpose so those 10–20 minutes have to be filled with things that are strategically placed. You can’t just have 1 minute of you staring at a blank wall and making weird faces to get to the 20 minutes mark.
8. MrBeast implements cliff-hangers
Cliff-hangers are great as it keeps the audience anticipating and guessing. The excitement builds up close to the date of the next release. This is something you can do on your own Youtube channel as well.
Final thought
It seems like MrBeast has made it. He is able to accumulate a large amount of wealth by creating a brand on Youtube and elsewhere on the internet. He did this by going viral again and again. We have discussed exactly what MrBeast did to get to where he is today so if you want to be the next MrBeast, know that it is well within your reach.
If you can implement the strategies that MrBeast uses to gain fame and attention, you too can cheat the algorithm and grow your brand quickly.