It’s many people’s dream to become their own boss. Being your own boss is great, you get to do have so much more control of your life and let your creativity reflects in how you run your business. There are plenty of good reasons why you should become your own boss. If you’re curious, check out this article: 8 Reasons why you should become your own boss
In today’s information age, anyone can become their own boss. It’s not a pipedream and it’s not ludicrous to suggest that is a possibility. In fact, blogging is one of the best ways to become your own boss. Here’re the 11 reasons why you should start a blog if you want to be your own boss.
Check out this article on the 7 most profitable blogging niches.
Table of Contents
1. Blogging is a low-risk business
Twenty years ago, if you were to tell someone that you want to start a business they’ll ask if you have enough capital to start because you do need a lot of money to start a business. Today, starting a business doesn’t necessarily require a lot of capital. Blogging is one of the best businesses to start because of how little money you need compared to a traditional business.
To start blogging, you’ll need to have a domain name that costs roughly $11.99 per year, and hosting which is roughly $300 for 1-3 years (I recommend HostGator). You can install a free WordPress theme. That’s it, that’s all you need to start blogging. Some people may pay for a custom email address which may be $7 per month but that’s not a must. As you grow your brand further, you can start paying for a custom email address if you wish.
In fact, for the second blog that I started, it only cost me $18 in total because they were having a sale and the domain name was free. That blog didn’t do well so I stopped putting up content on there and I’m just waiting for the domain name to expire. Yes, the domain name can be bought for 1–10 years time frame at a time.
I know many of you may think that you can just start blogging on a third-party platform like Wix where your domain name would look something like Don’t do this. If you want to make a living blogging, it has to be built from your own domain name. That way, when people type in things into Google, Google will recommend your site.
Since blogging doesn’t require a lot of capital to start even if you fail you’re not losing on much. You’re only losing the ~$300 you put in and thus it’s considered a low-risk business.
You can’t say the same thing for most other businesses out there where the start-up cost is much higher. Think $10,000 or more high. If they fail, they’d be losing on much more.
Blogging is basically the business that you can start with the lowest cost and the greatest potential return in profit. Once you develop your brand further to a point of full-time income, your operational cost doesn’t necessarily have to increase unless you start paying for things that you don’t really need such as a custom theme.
You have nothing to lose (except the $300 and time) by starting a blog so what are you waiting for?
Check out this article on how to pick the best domain name for your blog.
2. It’s quite easy to start blogging
Blogging is quite easy. It’s much easier than most people think. I’m not talking about the difficulty in making a living blogging, that’s a different story (albeit you certainly could with blogging). I’m talking about how easy it is to start blogging. The fence isn’t high. You don’t have to jump that high to get into the blogging space.
A lot of people will ponder about maybe starting a blog but never get to it because they want to use their weekend to scroll Instagram and catch up on chores. There’s nothing wrong with doing errands and scrolling social media but if you really want to make a living blogging and become your own boss, you need to start taking better control of how you spend your time. All it takes is a bit of research to start blogging.
Go type in “how to start a blog” into Google or Youtube and you’ll get tons of results of people showing others how to start a blog. It’s not that hard. Pick a niche, a hosting company, and a domain name then get busy typing!
Something to note about the domain name, you don’t have to think too much about it. Some of the best bloggers out there have weird domain names and they still do well. For example, is a site about health and fitness. Avocadu isn’t even a real word!
Many of you will also spend a lot of time picking the perfect name that is available as a username across many different social media platforms which is a good idea but some of the best brands out there that individuals like you and me started have slightly inconsistent usernames across different social media sites but people are still able to find them and no audience is lost. For example, if your website name is and your Instagram is EmilyFoodieOfficial or EmilyFoodieBlogger or EmilyFoodie1 it’ll still be fine. Just be sure to add the right Instagram link to your website. Don’t overthink just do it. (Make sure your domain name isn’t too hard to remember and isn’t too long).
Contrary to many people’s beliefs, you don’t have to be a great writer to be a blogger. Of course, it’s good if you have as few grammatical mistakes as possible on your blog but a little bit of typo and grammar error here and there won’t drive people away from your site as long as you got high-quality content that people want to read.
Many hosting companies also provide 24/7 customer support chat so if you have any concerns about the technical aspect of your website, you can ask them at no extra fee. Personally, I recommend Hostgator for hosting.
There’s also a community of bloggers on Facebook, Reddit, and many other places. You’d be sure to get the support you need to get you going.
Blogging isn’t as hard as most people think. Once you get started you’ll realize that starting a blog is something even your grandma can do.
Read this article to find out how many articles you need to blog full-time.
3. Your potential income is limitless with blogging

Michelle from makes roughly $100,000 per month that’s 1.2 million per year! I’m not sure how much she makes now but the last I checked that’s the number. I’m sure her current monthly income is much more than that.
Anastasia from makes more than $30,000 per month blogging makes $500,000–2,000,000 per year blogging.
Rosemarie from makes $86,000 per month blogging.
Sophia from makes a comfortable 5 figure a month blogging. Enough to hire a whole team.
Certain blogging niches do earn more than others. For instance, ads for personal finance pay more per click than ads on a gardening blog. The reason why some niches earn more than others is that people may be more willing to spend money in one niche over another.
Something that is great about blogging is that your income has no ceiling. You can literally make millions per year from blogging if you wish to. Something that does has a ceiling is any income that is traded with time.
Your 9–5 job is one such job where the income ceiling is present. You make a certain amount of money per hour and if you don’t work, you don’t get anything.
Freelancing is also one such job. Even though you could be your own boss as a freelancer, your income is limited to the time you put in and your time is limited in a day hence your income is limited if you freelance.
On the other hand, blogging is scalable. Say you write enough articles to attract enough audience to your blog every month and a percentage of those people subscribe to your mailing list. You can market your products or affiliate links in your email. You’re not putting in more work every month yet your existing content is attracting more and more audience as time goes on and you begin to earn more. Of course, you should only sell stuff that you’ve tested and loved yourself and you shouldn’t promote an affiliate link on products and/or service that you don’t love.
There are many ways to monetize your blog. You can make money by blogging with displayed ads, affiliate links, sponsored posts, pdfs, books, courses, membership, products, etc. The possibility is endless.
It’s very possible to make a living blogging within one year if you put in enough hours into blogging. It’s also not unheard of to become a millionaire through blogging.
If you got access to the internet and $300 to spare blogging is something you can do to turn that $300 into $50,000 and more within a year or two of consistent hard work.
The beginning is always the hardest but the result can be tremendously rewarding.
Read this article to find out whether you can make money blogging about anything.
4. You can let your creativity flow with blogging

Most jobs out there don’t allow you to fully express your creativity. One can easily feel stifled when they can’t speak what’s on their mind. Blogging allows you a way to get your creative juices flowing and allows you to get back some of those childhood moments when creativity is encouraged.
You write what inspires you and what your audience wants to read. You use your creativity to put an article together. And if you can make a living with blogging, later on, you’ve essentially discovered a way of unleashing your creativity that is also financially rewarding.
Check out this article on the 18 profitable sub-niches in personal finance.
5. You can improve your writing skills with blogging
You don’t have to be the best writer to start a blog. In fact, some of the best writers out there are unheard of because they don’t know how to market their work. It’s not about being the best writer you see. You need other skills to make blogging work. For example, networking skills.
Although you don’t need to have a terrific skill to be a blogger, your writing skill would certainly improve the more you write.
Something that I learned over many years of writing and being the owner of multiple blogs is that you need to just start. When I was in school, sometimes I’d fret about what words to put down and how to structure the sentence on an essay when all I really needed to do is to start writing. Don’t go back and edit your work until you are done. Once you’re done, you’d often find that your work is not bad and now you have something. It’s better than sitting in front of a computer all day without producing anything. Just start typing whatever comes to your mind and get into your flow.
A flow is a state of writing where words flow out of your head with ease like water from a faucet. The more you write the more you get into that stage of flow and the faster you create your articles.
Read this article on the 6 Ways to make money off a blog.
6. You can turn blogging into a consistent full-time income within a year or two
I’ve seen countless people making a living on the internet. They started out from nothing. No subscribers, no followers, no audience but slowly but surely they started to gain traction and within just a year or two turn their blog into a full-time job. They’re able to quit their own job and become their own boss instead.
Anastasia from is one such person. The last time I checked, she was making $30,000 per month from her blog. She also has a Youtube channel dedicated to teaching people how to blog for a living. I remember watching her video in the beginning and seeing that she has very few views before the pandemic. Now, 2 years into the pandemic she has over 60k subscribers and is doing tremendously well with her blogging brand. It’s also worth noting that she doesn’t seem to be a native speaker of English yet she was able to make a living on the internet. If you’re not a native English speaker, don’t worry there are countless success stories of people making a living blogging or Youtubing while not having a perfect understanding of the English language.
Don’t underestimate the power of only a year. If you can find some time to dedicate to your blog every day, a year from now, your life could look drastically different. You may work for months and see little to no result but you must not give up. Learn different strategies to optimize your blog and learn from your mistakes. Too many people give up too soon without making it to the one-year or two years mark and thus they don’t succeed.
If you’re able to make a living on the internet through blogging, it can offer you the freedom that most would dream of.
One or two years of hard work can trade you a lifetime of freedom.
It’s better than passively accept your rat race life and work the next 40 years doing something that doesn’t spark you joy. The choice is yours. Do you sacrifice 1–2 years or do you quietly accept the next 40 years?
Something I should state clearly is that yes if you put in the work you can make a living blogging in 1–2 years’ time but not if you only publish 1 article every week or two.
How many articles do you need to blog full-time? Read here.
The more articles you write, the more shots you have of your articles being found on the first page of Google which translates to more money for you.
Think about this analogy. Each of your articles is essentially a bait you can use to catch some fish. Some of your articles will catch a lot of fish every month and others will only watch so many fish every month. The more articles you have, the more pageviews you’ll typically get. Aim to produce high-quality content that people are searching for. How do you do that? Read this article.
Typically, the number of articles you have on your blog is positively correlated with your blogging income. More articles mean higher income. Those with 500 articles or more and had given all the articles at least 8 months to rank on Google average at around $7200 USD per month.
It takes time for Google to trust your site so the longer your site has been around and the more high-quality articles it has, the more likely it is for Google to rank your article to the top of the first-page search result.
So after hearing all that, why not start today? That freedom you dream of could be yours in just a year.
Want to be your own boss? 11 Reasons to start a blog. Read here.
7. You can develop networking opportunities with blogging
Blogging can be a great way to establish networking opportunities. Say you’re a realtor, blogging about real estate can bring you opportunities to network with other realtors and even bring in new clients. Blogging can be used to enhance your career if you do it right.
Even if what you’re blogging has nothing to do with your day job it still may offer you great opportunities to network with those in your niche and with it comes chances of monetizing your blog and bringing you in front of an existing audience.
There’s a saying that your net worth is your network. If you have a good network, your net worth tends to be high. It can be dangerous to isolate yourself. Instead, you should work towards establishing good contact with those who are already established in the field because they can teach you things that took them time to figure out so you may find success sooner.
If you aren’t looking to make money from your blog (which I doubt since the title of the article brought you here) blogging can be a great way for you to make new friends who are interested in the same thing you are. A chance for you to connect with like-minded people all over the world. That sense of community is priceless.
Read the 8 reasons why you should be your own boss here.
8. You can establish authority in the niche without showing your face with blogging
Many people who are able to make a living on the internet (think Youtubers and influencers) show their faces. It’s not a must but it is how many of them are able to establish their brand.
With blogging, you can be totally anonymous if you wish. Some people tend to be more private, reserved, and worry more about how their fame could bring them potential harm. If you’re that kind of person, you can rest assured that blogging can be done in a way that doesn’t expose who you are as a person. is a personal finance blog where the owner is totally anonymous and he has been doing this for more than 10 years. He’s making between $500,000-$1M+ per year from his blog. It wouldn’t surprise me if he makes more than $2 million per year blogging. And he did this without showing his face.
The power to establish a brand without showing your face is something that appeals to many people about blogging. This is especially true if you blog about something controversial or if you plan on making your blog a full-time job and you don’t want your boss or your coworkers to find out.
Of course, there are other reasons why people may not want to show their faces. Personally, I like to blog anonymously because it makes writing easier. When I know that someone I know out there is reading my blog, it gives me a sort of pressure unlike others because I’d have to be much more careful about the things I say in my blog. I don’t want to use a person as an example of what not to do and such person is reading my blog. It’s just much easier to blog knowing that nobody knows this is me and that I’m able to perform without overthinking about what I write. Say I admit something personal yet highly relevant to the article. Knowing the fact that if I talk about my personal experience can bring my audience insight would prompt me to put it down but if people I know are reading it I’d maybe think twice.
I can think of other reasons why people may not want to show their faces when trying to make a living on the internet. It could be that they don’t want their family and friends to ridicule them. Some people can be quite negative. To keep from being judged, many people would rather pursue their side hustles with a low profile.
With Youtubing, it certainly is possible to not show your face on camera but sometimes it’s just much easier to talk on camera than trying to create a video of stock footage or animation over your voice. Filming yourself talking on camera about a certain topic could just take 15 minutes while the edit that comes along with pairing your voice to the animation and/or stock footage can take 10+ extra hours. Do you see where I’m going with this? There are many ways to make a living on the internet but some of those ways are just much easier when you show your face. This isn’t the case with blogging, however.
Regardless of your reason and your stance on showing your face to the world, blogging give you a chance to choose without it drastically impacting your brand or making it that much harder to establish a presence on the internet.
How to use Google Keyword Planner to choose the best articles to write. Read here.
9. You can work anywhere anytime you want with a blog

One of the best things about blogging is that you can work anywhere you want as long as you got access to the internet. Picture this, a year from now, you’re able to make a living on the internet with blogging. Now, what are you going to do? Do you quit your job? Travel the world? Thanks to blogging, you can!
You just need internet access and you can work while you travel and enjoy life. You can also prewrite many articles beforehand and just schedule them out when the time comes. Similarly, you can do this with your promotional posts on P-interest or your mailing list.
Once you get to a certain stage of blogging, you may just have to work 10 hours a week and you’d be able to pull in a comfortable 5, 6, or even 7 figures per month doing work that you enjoy.
The kind of freedom that blogging brings when you can work anytime you wish anywhere you wish in the world is unprecedented.
50 Ways to make extra money today. Read here.
10. You can establish an audience to share your ideas and story with blogging
Blogging allows you to get your story out there in front of a live audience with words. Sure you can do that on sites like or but the ability to build your story on your own brand and find your own personal audience is a special experience.
How to make a font to sell for money. Read here.
11. You get to develop your own brand on your own platform

True bloggers have their own websites. This means that their website is registered using their own domain that they paid for, not on some third-party site like or
Why is it a must to develop your brand on your own platform? Because you get full control of what you put out there. You’re not at the mercy of some companies. If you build your brand on Youtube, Instagram, Tiktok, Medium, Wix, etc I’m sorry but you’re at their mercy. They can choose to take down your content anytime they wish although they probably won’t do that unprompted. They can suddenly introduce a new algorithm and everything would change. Your views go down, suddenly no one finds your content, your income decrease because they changed the pay structure, etc. Anything can happen when your brand is built on some other people’s website.
Blogging allows you to develop your own brand at your own website where you have full control of everything from how your website looks, how many times you can post per day, what keywords you can use, how long or short your content is, whether you want to change your site title for the 100th time in the day, how you’ll monetize your blog, what you want to sell on your blog, what links you place on your blog, etc. You decide. It’s entirely yours. Your blog is your blank canvas and you’re an artist.
How to become a content creator and make money this year. Read here.
How to get started blogging
You can get started blogging by picking a domain name and a hosting service. I recommend HostGator. They give you a free 1-year domain with any hosting plan purchase.

If you don’t know how to set up an SSL certificate and install WordPress, contact their live chat service and have them set it up for you quickly and without an extra fee. If you have someone on Fiverr do it for you, it’ll often cost $300 just to install WordPress.

Their live chat service is amazing. I’ve had a lot of great experiences with them. You can reach them within 5–15 minutes in most cases. A lot of times, you can reach them right away.
If you’re just getting started, pick the Hatchling Plan, it’ll allow you to host 1 website + free domain name + free SSL certificate. If you’re thinking about starting more than 1 website, you can pick Baby Plan where you can host unlimited websites (+ free domain + free SSL certificate).

A lot of bloggers would recommend BlueHost. They’re pretty great as well but they’re slightly more expensive.

I’ve used BlueHost before and unfortunately, their LiveChat service isn’t as fast compared to HostGator. With all else being equal, I’d say Hostgator is a better option. Hostgator has a free SSL certificate, free 1-year domain name, fast LiveChat service, and has a cheaper plan for either 1 website hosting or unlimited website hosting.
The reason many bloggers would recommend BlueHost over HostGator is that it’s easier to become an affiliate for BlueHost than for HostGator.
After setting up hosting, you’ll have to start creating content in your niche.
Check out this article on the 7 most profitable blogging niches.
Check out this article on how to pick the best domain name for your blog.
Read this article on the 6 Ways to make money off a blog.
Want to be your own boss? 11 Reasons to start a blog. Read here.
There are many reasons why you should start a blog today. I hope any of those reasons listed above inspires you to take that first step today. If you plan on becoming your own boss, blogging is truly the best way to go about it. It’s relatively cheap to start, it’s low-risk, and the reward can be tremendous.
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You can also check out this article on 7 Must-know lessons from Rich Dad Poor Dad if you want to learn more about personal finance.
Read this article to find out how many articles you need to blog full-time.
Read this article to find out whether you can make money blogging about anything.
Check out this article on the 18 profitable sub-niches in personal finance.
How to use Google Keyword Planner to choose the best articles to write. Read here.
This is such a great article and gives a little tough love to people like me who thought I should be seeing results with only 5 articles up. Thanks and in the middle of reading I got right to work on an article that will be posted this week and my new goal is 2 articles a week if not more!
Thank you so much! 🙂 Your comment really encourage me to keep going! Good luck! 2 blog posts a week is for sure doable! I hope you achieve your goals! I’ll be sure to check out your blog when you release your next post!