Printables are digital files that you can sell on Etsy. Most people don’t know the potential of printables. There are people making $70,000 per month selling printables. And the good thing is that it’s not too difficult to create.
If you want to know how to make printables to sell on Etsy in a step-by-step way, check out this article.
If you want to find out the 23 different types of printables to easily make and sell, read on!
Table of Contents
1. Printable business cards

Printable business cards are templates of business cards that people can edit. They’ll print it out themselves. You can create these cards in Canva.
You don’t have to custom make anything. You’ll create the design in Canva and share the editable link with them. They’ll delete the placeholder names and add their own.
2. Printable wedding invitation

Weddings can be expensive and this is why a lot of people would like to save some money by making their own wedding invitation set instead of hiring a wedding organizer/manager.
You can make printable wedding invitations. It may include the invitation card, thank you card, etc.
Take a look at what everyone is selling in their wedding invitation package and you’ll get a sense of what you should make in your package.
3. Printable wall art

Printable wall art can be simple and easy to create. You can create it using Procreate or Canva. If you want to learn how to make money with Procreate click here.
You can also use your design to make extra money on Redbubble. To learn how to make money on Redbubble, click here.
4. Printable sticker

You can draw printable stickers to sell on Etsy. Your customers would buy the right to print your sticker at home. You can offer them commercial use which means when they buy your product, they can sell the stickers they printed. Or, you can label your product for personal use. That’ll restrict people from profiting off of your stickers.
5. Printable day planner

Printable day planners are planners that people can print out. They can print out one page at a time and as many times as they wish.
You may wonder why people would like to print out their own planner pages instead of using a planner booklet they can buy from the store? Well, it all comes down to preferences. Some people prefer to buy day planners in a style that they like and they like to print things out to use. Gives them more control of their artistic style.
6. Printable workout planner

Workout planners can also be printables. This helps people keep track of different workout and their progress.
It can also include a calendar component.
It’s good to choose simple colors as your base. Nothing too complicated.
7. Printable calorie tracker planner

For people who wish to lose weight, they may be interested in a diet log or a calorie tracker planner. So that’s what you would create for them.
You’ll have sections for them to fill out on a daily basis. It may include the date, weight, calorie count, what food was consumed, etc.
8. Printable meal planner

Meal planning is the act of planning out what you’ll eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner for a period of time.
Some people like to meal plan to save money. They’ll know exactly what they’ll eat on any day of the week so they won’t be tempted to order takeout.
Take a look at meal planners on Etsy to get a sense of what you need to include in the design. It’s not hard to design a meal planner.
9. Printable weight loss chart

I think this is one of the easiest things to make on the list. Take a look at the picture above. It’s literally just a picture of a scale with space for you to write your weight. There are 30 of them for 30 days in a month. You can see how someone may use this to easily track their weight loss journey.
10. Printable SVG

Printable SVGs are things that your customers can print out and cut out. It can be used in art projects. They may choose to print it on thicker paper if they wish.
11. Printable quotes

Printable quotes are quotes that you can print out and hang on a wall. You can definitely easily create this in Canva. However, because of how easy it is to create, you’ll have a lot of competition.
12. Printable photo booth props

Photobooth props are props for a photo booth that people can print out and stick to a stick and take pictures with.
You can download graphics from Creative Market (some are free, some cost money) and simply put them together into a neat file that your customers can easily download.
13. Printable selfie frames

Selfie frames are actual physical frames that you can carry around with you. You can design this for people to print out. They’ll for sure require a special machine to do the printing for them but your concern is on the design and making sure it’s high quality enough since it’ll be printed out on a big board.
14. Printable table numbers

When there are events happening, table numbers need to be made and it has to look a certain way. You can easily create this in Canva. You only have to design it once and then change out the number for the subsequent ones.
15. Printable calendars

Some people don’t like to buy physical calendars because it’s cheaper to download a calendar and then print it out page by page. You can create a calendar for your customers to print out. You can include the subsequent years if you wish or just the current year.
16. Printable coloring pages

This may require a bit more work. You can either download the graphics from CreativeMarket or you’ll have to create them yourself. You can create the line arts yourself on Procreate.
It takes a lot of time to produce these pages. I would recommend you to not start from this project as you need to learn about how to list items on Etsy first as a beginner seller on Etsy. Of course, if you already have experience selling on Etsy then you can go ahead and try this.
Personally, I would choose something else on the list that are easier and faster to create.
17. Printable party decorations

It can be as simple as a paper with letters on top. You can create graphics that someone may need for a birthday party with Canva.
18. Printable envelops

Printable envelopes are paper that you can print out and then fold into an envelope for the mails that you want to send out. This can be for weddings for instance.
It’s very simple. All you have to do is to choose the fonts to use, place the fonts in the right places and make sure it’s the right size.
19. Printable games

There are so many different types of games you can make and print out. Never have I ever bingo is one for instance. Take a look at printable games that are selling well on Etsy and get a sense of what your printable games should look like and be like.
20. Printable stationery paper

This is one of the easiest to create. It’s basically lined pages. Make sure you make it the standard 8″ x 11″ in size. You create it once, you can sell it as many times as you wish. It may only take you 5 minutes to make.
21. Printable letters

Printable letters can be used to decorate someone’s room. You can also turn the letters you created into a font to sell on CreativeMarket or Etsy. Want to learn how? Click here.
22. Printable wine labels

These printable wine labels can be used as part of a gag gift for someone’s friends or for those who want to place some genuine touches on someone’s wine gift.
23. Printable activity book

Printable activity books are pages that contain mazes, letter tracing, and simple maths that children can work on.
There is a certain level of difficulty required to make these books. You can also hire someone on Fiverr to do it for you if you wish.
Final thoughts
There are truly so many ways to make money selling printables on Etsy. Some people are able to make $70k per month selling wall arts. There are also those who have more than 10,000 listings on Etsy because it’s so easy to create and sell.
Don’t go overboard in the beginning because you need to test the water to see what works and what doesn’t work. Double down on the type of work that sells well and either improves the ones that don’t sell or leave it alone.
But you can see the possibility of how much you may make with so many printables.
Pick a niche, and publish all your work under the same niche. It’s better to have a wedding theme shop rather than a shop that does everything from birthday banners to coloring pages. It makes your shop seems more specialized and it makes one more willing to pay for your design.