If you’re a blogger who just started out without too many people on your mailing list, you may notice something when you hit publish.
There’s no one here!! It’s like you created a ghost town. You can literally write an article on how much you hate your boss and I promise you, in those early stages, your boss will NEVER find out about it.
Yep. No one is going to find your content unless they can find you through a search engine and it typically takes a few months before those search engines rank you so it’s up to you to bring traffic to your blog posts.
Ready to learn how you can do so? Read on!
Table of Contents
1. Mailing list

This is one of the most straightforward ways to promote your blog posts if you have people on your mailing list.
You can send an email every week to inform readers of new content on your blog.
And you’ll want to prioritize the articles that contain affiliate links since those are the articles that will bring in the most money for you.
However, in the early stages of blogging, it’s unlikely that you’ll have many people on your mailing list so you’ll want to not focus too much on this method.
Click here to get a summary of the best mailing platform to use as a blogger.
Click here to learn how you can grow your mailing list.
2. Facebook groups

This strategy is by far the most useful out of everything on the list when you’re just starting out.
It’ll take you time to build up your mailing list for you to promote your content. On Pinterest, if you don’t know what you’re doing, you aren’t familiar with Pinterest SEO, you are unlikely to get seen by people.
Everything else on the list also requires you to do a bit more research (finding the right posts to answer, doing SEO, writing well-thought-out comments, etc), however, this strategy of sharing on Facebook groups is instantaneously and you get results within seconds of sharing in most cases.
Of course, it also depends on your niche. If you’re writing in a niche that doesn’t have too many readers or people interested, you are likely to not see as many results.
If you have a more feminine niche, other strategies such as Pinterest may be more useful to you since more women are on Pinterest.
Go type in “blogging”, “blogger”, and “blogs” on Facebook and find groups about blogging to join.
Make sure you read their rules first before you promote your blog since some of the groups don’t allow readers to promote their content.
What you’ll do is go comment links to your blog article in the comment section and you should see some visitors.
Some groups don’t allow you to post anything unless you’ve been in the group for a few months. For this reason, just commenting on someone else’s post is enough.
3. Pinterest

Especially if you’re in a niche that is dominated by women, you’ll want to share your posts on Pinterest.
Pinterest is a place for bloggers to share their content. Unlike social media sites such as Instagram and TikTok, where leading users off of their platform onto yours can get yourself shadowbanned.
Sure you can use Tiktok and Instagram to drive traffic to your blog but you’ll notice that your overall accounts reached decrease since the algorithm figure out what you’re doing and recommend other accounts instead.
Pinterest on the other hand is made for users to find what they want and explore other blogs. So if users come across your pin and go off to your site, it’s all good in Pinterest’s eyes.
However, Pinterest’s algorithm changes quite rapidly. It used to be easier to drive traffic to your blog and get your pins seen but times have changed.
You can easily build up monthly views on Pinterest by posting several pins (3+) throughout the day consistently day after day. However, it’s also just as easy to drop in monthly readership the moment you stop posting content.
Relying on Pinterest to drive traffic to your site is unreliable. You should still reply on organic traffic (when readers come to your site via Google searches). more than any other strategies.
Overall, I have found that Pinterest is about as useful as posting on Twitter and much less effective compared to Facebook groups. But I’m not an SEO expert on Pinterest yet so it is still worth a try and maybe you’ll have more success with Pinterest than I!
4. Twitter

You can go to Twitter and type in a relevant key term and comment on a post to drive traffic to your blog.
Here’s an example:
First, I go to Twitter, you’ll want to create an account for your blog.
Let’s say I want to promote my article on the 36 passive income to try. You can read it here.
I’ll go to the search bar of Twitter and type in “passive income” or, “make money” or, “side hustle”, etc.

You can go into each of those posts and comment something like this:

I referred to the content of their post as a sort of acknowledgment and then I segway into my own content.
You’ll meet people who aren’t too happy about you promoting your content but what can you do? Just shrug it off and keep going. There are people who would be interested in your posts and glad you point them out to them.
It’s best to comment on posts that are from accounts with lots of followers so your content can be seen by more people but any promoting is good.
You can also start posting your own content and bringing in hashtags like this:

5. Quora

Another way to promote your blog post is to comment helpful comments on Quora.
Links on Quora are no-follow links meaning they won’t help increase your DA. Quora won’t pass domain authority to you if you post a link to your blog on their site but if your answer gets popular enough, that no-follow can become do-follow which would help boost your DA score.
However, I wouldn’t count on using Quora to boost the DA score as that is quite difficult to do.
Instead, I would use Quora to get the name of my brand out there. The more people who know about your blog, the more traffic it’ll bring to it.
Try to not jump around giving a full answer.
A lot of people don’t give a straight answer when answering. They’d say, “well, it depends…”. Give people what they want straight out and if they want to know more, tell them to visit your blog post.
If done correctly, Quora can be a good place to promote your blog posts.
6. Reddit

Another place to promote your blog post is Reddit but you should read their community rules first to be sure that you’re allowed to post links to your own site.
If they say you can’t promote your own content, it means you can’t include links to your blog in the subreddit.
Personally, I haven’t seen as much success with Reddit even if I give good answers.
I wouldn’t spend too much time on Reddit but it can be another place to promote your content.
7. Other blogs

You don’t want to just go over to people’s blogs and comment links to your blog without context because that would seem spammy and incredibly rude.
It could cost you your chance to guest post in the future.
You want to build good relationships with other bloggers in the niche or even in other niches as well. Once they get to know you, they’re more likely to want to support you by reading your content and even subscribing to your mailing list.
Be careful and don’t overdo it because Google may think you’re trying to cheat their system by putting your link everywhere even in niches that aren’t relevant in order to raise your DA score artificially when you’re really just building connections and networking.
I wouldn’t do more than 5 — 10 comments on other people’s blogs per day.
How do you find other bloggers? You can go join Facebook groups for bloggers and visit other people’s blogs as well as comment on their posts.
Skim through their posts, and read the whole thing if you want. Try to be genuine. Don’t fake your interest because that wouldn’t be nice and they can easily see through your act.
You need to spend time cultivating relationships with other bloggers.
When commenting on people’s blogs, you can say something like the following:
“Amazing. I love the concept. I’ve actually thought about it before too. In fact, I wrote an article on it here: www.hellomoneytree.com/36-passive-income-business-ideas-to-try-today/”.
Commenting on people’s blogs can be a great way to get your name out there and in the process help you network and promote your content.
8. Slideshare

You can turn your posts into slides and post on Slideshare.
Those who come across your slides may visit your blog for more details.
How do you create slides? You can create them for free via your Google account.
You can navigate to your Google homepage and click on the menu to find the ‘Slides’ option.
You can also easily create slides via Canva.

9. Medium
You don’t want to have duplicate content on the web where you post the same thing twice in different places because it sends a red flag to Google and your site may get banned.
Instead, you want to navigate to this link on Medium. Unfortunately, they remove the “import” feature so it’s not as easily accessible unless you have the link. Fortunately, the link is included in this article (no it’s not an affiliate link).

Just copy and paste the link of your post to the box seen on the screen. And you have yourself an article on Medium!

Medium can be a good place to get more eyeballs on your brand and a place to promote your content.
Readers are unlikely to click over to your actual article on your blog when they come across your article on Medium so you can’t really use Medium to increase your blog pageview for that specific post you’re promoting but if readers like your content enough, they’ll still check out your other content on your blog.
10. Flipboard

Flipboard is a place for you to share your articles in a magazine format. They have great animations that make it looks like you’re browsing a real magazine except it’s online.
Lots of bloggers have successfully driven a large amount of traffic to their blogs using Flipboard.
Unlike Scoop.it and other places such as Triberr where you have to pay money to share content. Flipboard is absolutely free.
Flipboard is for sure worth a try.
11. Listly

If you make a lot of list-type articles, you should definitely give Listly a try.
You can make your own lists and share them on the platform. You get to see your view count, how many likes you get, and how many shares you get.
Listly allows your readers to cast votes on what you have on your list so you know what your audience likes more which is more info you can add to your blog.
Final thought
So those are the 11 free places to promote your blog posts. I hope you found it helpful.
Overall, I’d say if you’re just starting out, you should spend more time creating content than promoting it.
You want to aim for 500–600 blog posts and give each of those posts 8 months to rank on Google first before you can expect a full-time income.
Click here to read how many articles you should write per week.
Click here to learn how much bloggers make. Hint: it’s more than you think!
Once in a while, I share my content on Facebook groups for bloggers and it brings in decent traffic.
Your beginning should be focused on creating content rather than networking or promoting anything.
Once you reached 100 — 200 posts, you can go heavier on promoting content.
Facebook group is one of the fastest ways to promote your content and the method that bring in the most result in the beginning. If you’re going to do any promoting in the beginning, use Facebook groups.
Good luck!