Wondering what type of blog you should start? Why not start with a food blog? In this post, I’ll give you 10 good reasons why you should start a food blog.
Let’s go.
Table of Contents
1. The most profitable blogging niche is food
According to RankIq, below are the top 4 niches in blogging with the highest median income.
- Food ($9169)
- Personal finance ($9100)
- Lifestyle/mommy ($5174)
- Travel ($5000)
Personal finance is considered one of the most competitive niches out there whether in blogging or YouTubing but most content creators neglect to look at the food niche.
The median income for the food niche is even higher than the personal finance niche.
Just take a look at this screenshot taken from RankIQ.

There is obviously money to be made in the food niche.
2. Most blogs with high traffic are food blogs

Look at the above chart from RankIQ, it shows that almost half (43%) of the blogs with high traffic (50,000+ sessions/month) are food blogs.
The next tier down is the lifestyle/mom niche which consists of about 14% of high-traffic blogs.
You may not think that food blogs get lots of visitors but they do.
People aren’t necessarily typing in the exact recipe into the search bar on Google but people can still find your blog via your social media sites.
Many food bloggers have a YouTube channel as well as an Instagram page or even a TikTok account. It’s good to have all of them so you can drive maximum traffic to your site.
When someone finds your videos on YouTube (or Instagram, TikTok, etc) they may be interested enough to give them a reason to head on over to your blog for the recipe.
The good thing about recipes is that visitors tend to be recurring since people can’t exactly remember the recipe with one visit, people have to go back and continually check to know what ingredients to get and what their next step is.
3. Lots more room for income growth in the food niche
Take a look at the following again, a screenshot taken from RankIq.

42% of income from food blogs comes from ads and only 10% from affiliates. Food bloggers also make about 25% of their income from courses and about 11% of their income from post sponsors.
Why should you care about these stats? Well, because you can make more money from affiliates than from ads. Food bloggers simply aren’t monetizing their brands to their full potential.
According to the same article by RankIQ, for most bloggers in other niches (including personal finance), the majority of their income is from affiliates (42.2%) follow by ads (33%), post sponsors (12.2%), courses (11.1%), and services (1.1%).
You need significantly more visitors in order to make the same income from mainly ads vs from mainly affiliate income.
After learning that, is it surprising that most blogs with large monthly pageviews are typically in the food niche? To make most of your blogging income from ads, you must have quite a bit of pageviews per month.
If you are already relying on ads for the majority of your blogging income, it means there is more room for improvement in monetizing your income.
Food bloggers have a lot more room for growth in their affiliate income than most other bloggers in other niches.
You can create videos cooking with specific cooking gadgets and dropship that or add an affiliate link to it in your blog and bio.
However, another way to look at the data is that people are visiting food blogs in large numbers but maybe since they aren’t looking to buy things, less affiliate income was made for food bloggers
Nevertheless, it is still worth a try to include more affiliate links in your blog and social media sites.
4. Everybody loves food
Everyone loves food! Even something simple like ramen or instant noodle is something most people would drool over.
In fact, I’ve done a quick experiment on Instagram in which I posted a very simple 8-second video of me making ramen.
Didn’t show my face and it was really just clips of noodles boiling and noodles in soy sauce and I quickly got a few likes within a few mintues.
I posted the video on a brand new Instagram account. I even got a few followers over that simple clip.
The reason? People love food!
I didn’t even try to make the video aesthetically pleasing. I threw it together in 5 minutes and posted it.
This should give you enough reason to try out the food niche. You don’t even have to start with a blog in the beginning. Put up some videos on Instagram and TikTok.
When you’re ready, start a blog and post the recipes there!
5. You have lots of room for adaptation
There are so many things you can do in the food niche.
Click here to read the 15 different types of food blogs you can start today.
You can start with food review blogs and then move on to focus on cooking and trying out recipes. Later on, you can focus on taking a creative spin on foods that people love to eat.
Here’re some of the things you can do with a food blog:
- Travel for food
- Do restaurant reviews
- Do food truck reviews
- Create recipes and sell recipes
- Cooking with a toddler
- Cooking for kids
- Couple cooking
- Cooking while having an allergy
- Focus on baking
- Focus on savory dishes
- Focus on soups
The things you can do with a food blog are endless. You can also integrate your food blog with a lifestyle blog so you can talk about your life on your blog as well.
6. You can easily collaborate with brands and other creators in the food niche
There are many restaurants that require people to come and review their food. If you have enough audience, some may even pay you to review their food.
You can also collaborate with particular snack brands and other food bloggers or content creators in the food niche on Instagram and TikTok.
7. You get to use higher-paying ad networks
There are many ad networks out there. Below are just a few:
- Adsense
- Mediavine
- Adthrive
- Monumetric
- Ezoic
How it works is this: you apply to the ad network, get accepted, the ad network starts displaying ads on your blog and they take a cut of the profit from the ad income.
Certain ad networks pay more than others. For instance, Mediavine pays more than Google Adsense but they have a pageview requirement before you can apply and get accepted.
If you don’t have more than 50,000 page views per month, Mediavine won’t accept you into their ad network.
As a food blogger, it’d be easier for you to gain traffic to your blog, and with more monthly pageviews, you can expect to join Mediavine and other higher-paying ad networks sooner.
8. 13% of blogs that started recently were in the food niche
A study from RankIQ found that 13% of blogs started in the past year were food blogs.
Lifestyle/mom blogs constitute 1 in 4 new blogs started in the past year (the article was written on January 1, 2022).
18% of blogs started in the past year were in the travel niche.
Food blogs are the third most popular blog to start in the past year.
What this means is that food blogs aren’t dying. In fact, they are thriving. And the great news is that not too many people are doing food blogs so it’s not oversaturated or too competitive.
It’s not too late to start a food blog. This can be the best time to start a food blog in the past 20 years.
9. It’s easy to write an article for a food blog
Do you know how long it takes for people to write a blog post? Most bloggers take an average of 4 hours to produce a post.
That’s a long time! Especially if you don’t have a lot of time to spare.
With a food blog, however, you can get it done within an hour since it really just a recipe.
You can include some personal stories if you like but it’s not a must.
You can just throw the recipe on there and you’re done.
Food blogs can be great for those who love working with their hands and don’t love researching too much in front of their computer.
As a personal finance blogger, I’m in front of the computer typing most of the time. I’m hoping that once I hit a specific number of blog posts, I can slow wayyy down in releasing new content. Currently, I publish 3 posts every day each of those above 1200 words.
10. It’s a huge win-win if you love cooking
If you love to cook, this is a huge win-win. You can enjoy doing what you love and make money doing it.
Of course, it’ll take some time before you start making money from your food blog. Success takes time but when you get there, you’d really thank yourself for starting and persisting.
Final thought
What do you think? Will you give food blog a try? Let me know in the comment below!
Still unconvinced? Here are 200+blog niche ideas you can look into today.
To start blogging, click here for a step-by-step ultimate blogging guide for beginners.